Dr Sandeep Gupta
Lotus Holistic Medicine

5/13 Norval Court
Maroochydore QLD 4558
P: 07 5313 3577

Collective Wellness Centre (once per year)
4 Williams Rd
Prahran VIC 3181

E: admin@lotusholisticmedicine.com.au
W: lotusholisticmedicine.com.au

Online courses
W: Mold Illness Made Simple
W: EMFs Made Simple

Note: Dr. Gupta was Surviving Mold certified 2014-17.

Christine Barnes (Naturopath)
Clifton Beach
Cairns QLD
W: christinebarnes.com.au

Available worldwide via telehealth

Dr Paola Codoceo-Perez, MD
Fresh Holistic Health
Shop 11/330 Mons Road
Forest Glen QLD 4556
P: 5445 2928
W: www.freshholistichealth.com.au

Note: Worked with Dr Sandeep Gupta in 2021. Has completed Mold Illness Made Simple course.

Dr Georgina Hale, MD, PhD
HaleHealth Medicine / Buderim Private Hospital
Buderim, Sunshine Coast
P:  07 5390 6222
W: halehealthmedicine.com
W: buderimprivatehospital.com.au

Dr Olivia Lesslar, MD
W: www.drolivialesslar.com

Gold Coast:
Queensland Allergy Services
W: qldallergy.com
(You must already be a patient of Prof. Pete Smith)

Cingulum Health

Rosebery NSW 2018
P: 02 8328 0975
W: www.cingulumhealth.com

Diana Panrucker, BHSc (Naturopath / Nutritionist)
Synergy Health & Wellness
1/100 Brisbane Rd
Mooloolaba QLD 4557
P: 0466 077 815
E: info@synergyhealthandwellness.com.au
W: www.synergyhealthandwellness.com.au

Dr Laurence Rossato-Pudmenzky, PhD (Nutritional therapist and Vagus Nerve Stimulation therapist)
Slim Your Way
7 Morant Close
Seventeen Mile Rocks
QLD 4073
W: Slimyourway.com.au
E: DrLaurenceRossato@slimyourway.com.au
M: 0490 848 193

Available worldwide via telehealth.

Dr Mark Westaway, MD
Coronation Medical, Suite 1
301 Coronation Drive
Milton QLD 4064
P: 07 3889 9996
E: reception@coronationmedical.com.au

Dr Kate Barry, PhD, BSc (Hons), FNLP, CFNC, CHC, CLC (Nutritionist, Health Coach, Biologist)
Holistic Health & Nutrition Clinic
P: 0413 873 311
E: nutrify@drkatehealth.com
W: www.drkatehealth.com
Blog: CIRS Health journey


  • Surviving Mold Proficiency Partners Diplomate (link)
  • Jill Crista, ND Mold-literate Doctor (link)

In-person Sydney and Australia-wide telehealth consultations.

Dr Jenny Bromberger, MD
Suite 7, Level 6
75 Crown Street
Woolloomooloo NSW
P: 02 9331 2732
W: jennybromberger.com

Drs Anne & Chris Chappel, MD
Evergreen Doctors
Suite 3, Ground Floor, Building 3
20 Bridge Street
Pymble NSW 2073
P: 02 8416 4654
W: www.evergreendoctors.com

Dr Ritoo Chhabra, MD
Sydney Functional Medicine
G04/64 Talavera Road (Building A)
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
P: 02 9888 9294
W: sydneyfunctionalmedicine.com

Dr Peter Dobie, MD
Edge Wellness
8/201 New South Head Rd
Edgecliff NSW 2027
P:  02 9363 5050

Pymble Grove Health Centre
11/924 Pacific Highway
Gordon NSW 2072
P:  02 9418 1388

Dr Mark Donohoe, MD
Mosman Integrative Medicine
4 Best Ave Mosman NSW 2088
P: 02 9960 5755
E: reception@mimpractice.com
W: mimpractice.com

Dr Janet Kim, MD
Suite 201, Room 10
7 Westbourne St
St Leonards NSW 2065
P: 02 9410 1777
W: drjanetkim.com.au

Note: Dr. Janet Kim was Dr. Shoemaker/Surviving Mold certified 2015-18.

Nore Hoogstad (Clinical Nutritionist, Mindset Coach)
Gutsy by Nutrition
Suite 1502 (15th floor), Westfield Office Tower 2
101 Grafton St
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
(located in the offices of Australian Clinical Psychologists)
P: 0423 192 898
W: gutsybynutrition.com.au

In-person and Australia-wide remote consultations.
Blog posts on CIRS: 1, 2

Lisa McDonald (Naturopath)
PO Box 51
Gladesville NSW 2111
W: lisamcdonald.com.au

Australia-wide remote consultations only.

Renee Dubois (Naturopath)
The Health Lodge
78 Bangalow Rd
Byron Bay NSW 2481
P: 02 6685 6445
W: thehealthlodge.com.au
W: naturopathbyronbay.com.au

Dr Christabelle Yeoh, MD
Dr Sarah Wong, MD
Dr Jonathan Turtle, mD
GenBiome (Edgecliff)
Suite 2/2 New McLean St
Edgecliff, NSW, 2027
P: 02 8311 2800
W: nextpracticehealth.com

Dr Anjana Arunachalam, MD
The Wellness Table
Kew VIC 3101
P: 03 9859 0652
E: info@dranjana.com
W: www.dranjana.com

Dr Ruth Edwards, MD
Suite 4, 609 Canterbury Rd
Surrey Hills VIC 3127
P: 1300 885 257
W: drruthedwards.com.au

Adrian Harper (Naturopath)
Adrian Harper Naturopathy
Middle Park VIC 3206
E: naturopathy@adrianharper.com.au
W: www.adrianharper.com.au

Telehealth and in-person appointments (Wednesdays, at Dr. Arunachalam’s practice)

Rachel Larsson (Naturopath)
Rachel Larsson
(Located within Elk Wellbeing)
282a Queens Parade
Fitzroy North VIC 3068
P: 0421 093 968
E: hello@rachellarsson.com.au
W: www.rachellarsson.com.au

Dr Nick Morgan, MD
National Insitute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM)
21 Burwood Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122
P: 03 9804 0646
W: niim.com.au

Merge Health Clinic (see next entry)

Kate McCandless (Naturopath)
Steph Gadson (Naturopath)
Merge Health Clinic

678 Victoria St
Waterman Workspace, Suite 10
Richmond VIC 3121
P: 03 9889 8008
W: www.mergehealth.com.au

Jess Milroy (Naturopath)
Inside Out Natural Medicine
P: 0455 775 797
W: www.insideoutnatmed.com.au
Australia-wide online clinic

Dr Iggy Soosay, MD
Central Park Specialist Centre
389 Wattletree Rd
Malvern East 3145
P: 03 9867 1817
W: www.driggysoosay.com.au

Dr Erika Wils, MD
Box Hill Superclinic
810 Whitehorse Road
Box Hill VIC 3128
P: 03 9899 8668
W: www.boxhillsuperclinic.com.au

Doctors at Bayside
26 Bay Road
Sandringham VIC 3191
P: 03 9521 6633
W: doctorsatbayside.com.au
W: erikawils.com.au

Chloe Adam (Naturopath, ACES certified Mould Testing Technician)
Healthy Home Biologist
W: www.healthyhomebiologist.com

Zoom/telephone appointments (Australia wide) for naturopathic consultations with a focus on treating environmentally driven illness such as CIRS/mould illness. Onsite mould assessments.

Shannon Burford (Naturopath)
Cura Integrative Medicine
Claremont Medical Centre
Level 1, 206 Stirling Hwy
Claremont WA 6010
P: 08 9284 4644
W: www.curamedicine.com.au

Jacinta O’Connor (Naturopath/Nutritionist)
East Fremantle WA
P: 0433 151 029
W: jacintaoconnor.com

Briana Gunn (Naturopath)
W: www.brianagunn.com
P: 0427 109 340
Zoom/phone appointments only (Australia-wide)
Works with/refers to Dr. Nutall

Deborah Taylor (Naturopath)
Deborah Taylor Naturopath & CIRS specialist in private practice
27 Thomas St
South Fremantle WA
P: 0419 291 999
E: natmedicine@outlook.com

Joolz Nasir (Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutritionist)
Advance Functional Medicine
4 Anthony Street
Palmyra WA 6157
1800 112 236
W: advancedfunctionalmedicine.com.au

Dr Adam Nutall, MD
AHG Super Clinic
10/401 Great Eastern Highway
Midland WA 6056
P: 1300 735 992

Dr Kerry Harris, MD
Integrative Health Solutions
13 Laffers Road
Belair SA 5052
P: 08 7231 1628
W: www.integrativehealthsolutions.com.au

Laura Howell, BHSc (Naturopath & Bioresonance practitioner)
From the Forest Naturopathy & Sensitive Souls Bioresonance
P: 0415 490 330
E: admin@fromtheforestnaturopathy.com
W: fromtheforestnaturopathy.com
I: @fromtheforestnaturopathy & @sensitivesoulsbioresonance

Richard Sager (Dietitian / Nutritional biochemist)
Darwin Dietitians
114/12 Salonika St
Parap NT 0820
P: 08 8927 3700
W: darwindietitians.com.au
Dr Carmen Barnes, MD
Level 6, 204 Thorndon Quay
Wellington 6011
P: 02 26100700
W: carmenbarnes.com

Dr Kamal Karl, MD
Functional Regenerative Medicine
89 Grafton Rd
Auckland hospital
P: 09 8695578
W: functionalmedicinedoctor.co.nz

Dr Cindy de Villiers, MD
Health Function Personalized Medicine
33 Atmore Terrace
Maitai, Nelson 7010
W: www.healthfunction.co.nz

Dr Steve Joe, MD
Kate Moffat (Nutritionist)
240 Borman Rd
Hamilton 3210
P: 07 8558592
W: drstevejoe.co.nz

Other Integrative Health Professionals

Australasian College of Environmental and Nutritional Medicine (ACNEM)

W: www.acnem.org (Find a Practitioner)
P: (03) 9597 0363

The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM)
W: www.ifm.org  (Find a Practitioner)

Mindd Practitioners
W: directory.mindd.org

CIRS/Mould illness-aware practitioners have been self referred, referred by patients, or  referred by established CIRS health professionals, as being able to diagnose and treat CIRS/mould illness. TMSA cannot personally vouch for their knowledge or skill level in diagnosing and treating CIRS. Contact TMSA if you are a health professional wishing to be listed here outlaying what steps of the CIRS protocol, or general mould illness protocol, you follow.